Bus and Bus Notes
Children are eligible to travel by bus if they are under 10 years of age and live more than 3.2 kms from the school zone
10 years and over and live more than 4.8 kms from the school zone
For safety reasons bus children are not permitted to travel home by any other means unless parents/ caregivers have written a note or alternatively phoned the school and written confirmation follows.
Please ensure that your child/children follow these procedures.
In the mornings children are the responsibility of their parents/ caregivers until they step onto the bus where upon they become the responsibility of the bus driver.

In the afternoon the reverse applies.
Children are to remain seated at all times and keep the noise to an acceptable level.
Any concerns are be addressed to the Principal at the earliest convenience. It is Board Policy, should behaviour on the bus become unacceptable, the bus driver returns all pupils to school and parents are then responsible for picking their child/children up.
Bus Notes
If you have any changes for where your child/ children are going after school please fill in the form below.