Hoiho is the yellow-eyed penguin that is mostly found in New Zealand. Hoiho are grey and have these really distinctive eyes. They are 65 centimetres tall and their weight is 5 to 6 Kgs. They [...]
Hoiho is the yellow-eyed penguin that is mostly found in New Zealand. Hoiho are grey and have these really distinctive eyes. They are 65 centimetres tall and their weight is 5 to 6 Kgs. They [...]
A Karearea is a fierce hunter and it is an endemic NZ bird. Karearea has sharp claws and very very good eyesight. They have black eyes and fluffy feathers with white dots. They have brown feathers [...]
The kea is an NZ native bird and it belongs to the parrot family. Kea has olive green feathers. Kea have sharp upper beaks that can probably cut through a hot air balloon that’s in [...]
A challenge is something that is not always easy to do at first but if you keep trying you will do it. I try my best to improve. I need to improve in Lexia and [...]
The Hoiho or yellow-eyed penguins are NZ endemic birds. A Hoiho is tall but small. It grows 65 cm tall and weighs 5 to 6 kgs. Its eyes are bright yellow and it has a [...]
A piwakawaka is a NZ. bird. A fantail is a small bird. It has tiny wings and feet and it has tiny eyes. It has a long tail and its brown and its tail is [...]
The The Pukeko is a native New Zealand bird. The Pukeko is a medium-sized bird, with a red beak and red eyes. It has blue and black feathers, with long orange legs. It is quite [...]
The Tui is native to New Zealand. Tui can be bully birds. The Tui is a bluish, greenish, black bird and it has a pom pom on its neck. It is a white pom pom. [...]
The Kakapo is an NZ. endemic bird. A Kakapo has soft green feathers covering most of its [...]
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